NEXT DISTRICT XV MEETING: --CANCELLED-- There is NO October 1, 2010 at, Terre Coupee, Liberty Star Lodge.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

On September 13th 2008, the Fort Wayne White Eagle Lodge #3149 hosted the 2008 District XV Convention, which as held at the Liberty Star Lodge #3078, in Terre Coupe, IN. District XV Commissioner, Mary Wozniak called the Convention to order. President of Lodge 3149, Jeff Wilenski welcomed dignitaries and led the delegates and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayers. Commissioners Wozniak and George Gustas welcomed the delegates and guest. The Mandate Committee confirmed the delegates from the lodges and Councils attending. A total of 22 delegates were in attendance. National Director Barbara Martin gave the oath by swearing in the delegates and Committee appointments were announced. National Vice President Paul Odrobina spoke to the delegation, about Fraternalism, Family and the importance of it. The Mandate Committee, Audit Committee, Membership Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Youth and Sports Committee, Resolution Committee and Nominations Committee gave reports. The new officers elected for District XV were: Sally Russell, Secretary, Jeanette Filip, Treasurer, and Directors, Irene Wroblewski, Helen Macher, Joseph Samreta, Nancy Teller, Jeff Wilenski, also two who were absent Janina Wojcik and Mille Rytel. The convention was adjourned. - brief summary taken from the 2008 District 15 Conventions Recording Secretary notes of Nellie Wood